MF aims to increase the agency of exceptional individuals using venture capital. I write about founding things, the future, and venture through fresh eyes on a quarterly basis.
Q4.24 Larva Learnings ↗
Q3.24 Bulls, bears, and moths ↗
Q2.24 Seeing the court clearly ↗
Q1.24 The rogue investor's guide to venture ↗
Q1.24 The earnest ambitious kid's guide to investors ↗
Q4.23 The lost charisma of capitalism ↗
Q3.23 How to be a kid who goes places ↗
Q2.23 Good artists copy, great artists steal ↗
Q1.23 Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise ↗
Interviews with high-agency humans.
Managing Partner at Compound. Michael Dempsey ↗
Principal at Benchmark. Blake Robbins ↗
Founder & CEO of Universe. Joseph Cohen ↗
Co-founder & CEO of Browser Company. Josh Miller ↗
Former Head of Marketing at Notion. Camille Ricketts ↗
Co-founder & CEO of Entrepreneur First. Matt Clifford ↗
Serial entrepreneur & investor. Justin Mares ↗
Former COO of Stripe. Claire Hughes Johnson ↗
Investor & entrepreneur. Daniel Gross ↗
Forbes: Spotlight in the 30U30 Venture Capital category ↗
Interviewee. With Alexandra York
Audience of One: Investing in People and Writing ↗
Interviewee. With Spencer Kier
Sane New World: On ways of seeing ↗
Interviewee. With Ida Josefiina
Narratives: Cultivating agency ↗
Interviewee. With Will Jarvis
Interviewee. With Paige Finn Doherty
Betaworks: Creativity and Tools for Thinking ↗
Interviewee. With Sam Arbesman and Jerry Michalski
Metamuse: Computers and Creativity ↗
Interviewee. With Adam Wiggins and Mark McGranaghan
Mind Mud ↗
I write essays sometimes — usually putting myself under a microscope to better understand how human beings work.
Stuff I learned and was wrong about in 2024 Devotion ↗
Stuff I learned and was wrong about in 2023 Deliberate ↗
How do you chart your change? Circles ↗
Do you believe in the value of your voice? Confidence ↗
What is femininity and how do we use it? Complementary ↗
Are you watching yourself through others' eyes? Women ↗
Is figuring out who you are a waste? (Self) concept ↗
What is your relationship to reality? Conviction ↗
Stuff I learned and was wrong about in 2021 Chapters ↗
How do you frame freedom for yourself? Commitments ↗
Are you critical enough of your self-criticisms? Critical ↗
What are you going to do with your time? Callings ↗
Will you explore or will you exploit? Concentration ↗
Why are we so wimpy? Courage ↗
Is it speed or certainty that you crave? Certainty ↗
Are you quiet or are you scared? Communication ↗
How do we care for the people we love? Compassion ↗
Why We Crave Software With Style Over “Branding” ↗
Essay. Op-ed published by a16z Future
Research. How can digital creative tools be co-creators?
Scaling the personal grantmaking sector →
Research. Investing in individuals creates more companies
Personal peopling principles →
Notes. Stuff I'm stubborn about
Milky ↗
I send a monthly(ish) newsletter of things I've found interesting. Consider it a bouquet of links from a friend — mainly focused on humans, investing, and media.
January 2025. Majestic ↗
December 2024. Matrimony ↗
September 2024. Misunderstood ↗
August 2024. Magnitude ↗
July 2024. Magnolia ↗
May 2024. Murky ↗
March 2024. Materialize ↗
January 2024. Morals ↗
September 2023. Movement ↗
August 2023. Memorable ↗
June 2023. Mastery ↗
February 2023. Models ↗
January 2023. Measured ↗
December 2022. Multitudes ↗
November 2022. Mirrors ↗
July 2022. Meaning-making ↗
May 2022. Messages ↗
April 2022. Magically ↗
February 2022. Momentary ↗
December 2021. Motion ↗
November 2021. Modest ↗
October 2021. Merely ↗
A resource for learning about the history of computing